

1 c raw cashews
or 3/4 c slivered almonds
or 2/3 c whole raw almonds
2 t onion powder
1 t garlic powder
1 1/2 t salt

1 c water
in a blender & blend for 1 - 2 min.
Pour in a pan.

Whisk till thick on med. heat

about 5 - 7 min.
Remove from heat.

Then add:
3 T lemon juice
to the pan of
Mayo & whisk.

Use in the RecipeRICH recipes below or pour in a bowl or jar.

Chill & serve
or refrigerate in an airtight container for up to 3 days.


Goes in these recipes:

Creamy Pasta Salad

Creamy Pasta SaladCreamy Pasta Salad

Potato Salad

Potato SaladPotato Salad

Spinach Spread

Relish Potato SaladRelish Potato Salad

Sweet Pea Salad

Sweet Pea SaladSweet Pea Salad

Thousand Island Dressing

Thousand Island DressingThousand Island Dressing
Spinach SpreadSpinach Spread

Relish Potato Salad