Simply Rice
Preheat oven at 350º
Rinse & drain:
1 c brown rice
(If you would like your rice & grains easier to digest, you can dextrinize them by putting them in a skillet or pan & heating the rice on med. for 8 min., stirring constantly.
The rice will start to make a popping sound at about 5 - 7 min.)
the rice (plain or dextrinized)
1 small bay leaf (optional)
(omit in Mexican dishes)
1/2 t salt
2 c water
in a casserole dish & stir.
Bake covered at 350º for 1 hr. & 5 min., until the water is gone.
or use in the RecipeRICH recipes below
or cool down & refrigerate in an airtight container for up to 3 days
or freeze.