Honey Almond Dish

(Can be made the day before.
Let cool & refrigerate overnight.
Warm up in the morning.)
Preheat oven at 350º
1 c whole grain rolled oats,
amaranth or teff
1 c whole grain rice, steel cut oats
kamut, spelt or oat groats
(ground in a coffee grinder)
1/4 c unsweetened shredded
coconut or flakes
1/3 c whole, sliced or slivered almonds
1 bay leaf
1 T almond butter
1/3 - 1/2 c honey
(depending on how much you like)
3/4 t salt
7 c water
in a large glass pan or casserole dish & stir.
Bake uncovered at 350º for 1 1/4 hr.
Take out & stir.
Then continue baking at 350º for 30 - 45 min. more. (even amaranth, even though it is small, it still takes a long time to cook)
Stir & discard bay leaf.
or cool down & refrigerate in an airtight container for up to 3 days.
Can freeze, but will need to be thawed, then put in a pot with a little water or nut milk & heat on med. high while stirring for 3 - 5 min.