Soft Granola Crumble

Soft Granola Crumble
Soft Granola Crumble

(Can be made the day before.
Let cool & refrigerate overnight.
Warm up in the morning.)

Make: Whipped Topping
Click Picture

Whipped ToppingWhipped Topping

& let the Whipped Topping
cool in the refrigerator.

Preheat oven at 350º
1 c pitted dates
1/4 t coriander
1 1/2 t salt
1/3 c pure maple syrup
3/4 c water
in a blender & blend for 30 sec.
Pour in a large bowl or mixer bowl.

Add to the large bowl:
(one of these whole grain flour options)
1 c spelt or kamut
1 1/4 c rice, millet or oat
1/2 - 1 c pecans, walnuts pieces
or sliced or slivered almonds
(depending on how much you like)
5 c rolled oats
1/4 c unsweetened shredded
coconut or flakes
1 - 2 T pumpkin (optional)
Mix in a mixer or with a spatula.

Crumble & spread in a large glass pan.
(The mixture will be very moist & sticky.)

Bake at 350º for 20 min.

Take out & break up with the tip of a flat end spatula gently tossing.
Continue baking for 15 min. more.

Take out & gently toss.
Continue baking for 15 min. more.

Take out & gently toss.

Serve topped with:
Whipped Topping & pecans and/or any fruit, RecipeRICH Fruit Bowls, Blends, or Milks.

Refrigerate in an airtight container for up to 3 days
or freeze.
