
(one of these whole grain flour options)
1/4 c amaranth, wheat, spelt,
kamut or teff
1/3 c rice, rye, barley or oats
3 garlic cloves
1 t onion powder
1 t paprika
1/2 t turmeric
3/4 t salt
1/2 c lemon or lime juice
1/2 c water
in a blender & blend for 40 sec.
Pour in a pan & whisk on medium heat 3 - 5 min. until thick.
(may need to add a little water if the Mustard gets dry when cooking)
Can stir in:
2 t virgin olive oil
for a smoother Mustard.
Use in the RecipeRICH recipes below or pour in a bowl or jar.
or let cool & refrigerate in an airtight container for up to 3 days.