

Sprouts in a Jar
(Can start sprouts
on Sunday or Monday,
so they will be done
before the Sabbath)
1/4 c alfalfa, clover, broccoli,
radish seeds (or any other seeds)
1 c water
into a clean wide mouth jar
& cover with a sprout strainer lid.
Stir or swirl & drain.
Then add:
2 c water
to the jar & cover with a sprout strainer lid.
Stir or swirl & soak 7 - 12 hrs. overnight on your countertop.
In the morning, drain & rinse seeds.
Drain again & tilt on side.
Since sprouts sprout in the dark,
cover with a towel.
Every day, rinse & drain sprouts 2 to 3 times each day, to prevent molding.
Sprouts should be ready to eat in 4 - 5 days.
(Can sprout a different seed type every week)
(Getting the Hulls Out)
To get out hulls, take off lid.
Fill jar with water.
Push down sprouts with hand, while pouring out water with hulls.
Repeat as necessary.
Put sprouting lid back on.
Turn upside down.
Let seeds dry for 5 hours.
Put an airtight lid on the jar or transfer to another container with an airtight lid & store in the refrigerator.
(Can put a paper towel in the top of the jar & store in the fridge upside down to keep sprouts dry & prevent molding.)
Sprouts are good for 5 days.