Pecan Sweet Potato Dish

Preheat oven at 350º
Remove the bad spots from:
3 small-medium or 1 - 2 large,
sweet potatoes (about 3 c)
Rinse & put in a glass pan with:
1 - 2 c water
Bake at 350º for 1 1/2 - 2 hrs.
After baking the sweet potatoes, let cool.
(to cool faster, you can cut each sweet potato in half & put on plates, or cool by running the sweet potatoes under cold water or setting them in a container of cold water until they are cool)
When cool, peel off the skins, or scoop out with a spoon.
Put in a blender & blend:
the baked sweet potatoes
1 T pure maple syrup
1 t almond butter
1 t coconut butter
1/8 t salt
1 c water
for 30 sec. - 1 min.
For a crunchier dish
1/2 - 1 c pecans
in the bottom of an 8x11 dish before pouring the blended sweet potatoes in it.
Otherwise, just pour the sweet potato mixture in the 8x11 glass pan & smooth out.
Put in a separate bowl:
(one of these whole grain flour options)
1/3 c wheat
1/2 c rice, spelt or teff
2/3 c barley or oats
1 c pecans
1/3 c pure maple syrup or honey
1/16 t salt
1/4 c water
& stir or whisk.
Spoon this pecan mixture on top of the sweet potato mixture, spreading out the pecans.
Bake uncovered at 350º for 45 - 50 min. or more until the center topping is firm & doesn't stick to the spoon when you tap it.
If the topping sticks to the edges, go around the pan with a knife to loosen it.
Cut into squares for easy serving.
Can serve warm
or refrigerate until serving.
Refrigerate in an airtight container
for up to 3 days
or freeze.