Non-GMO & Organic

God has given us advise to discard flesh meat, milk products, cheese, eggs, baking soda, baking powder, hot pepper & spices, (except for a little ginger & herbs), caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, vinegar, (or anything fermented), yet, He tells us very little about GMO food products.
GMO foods, which is the acronym for genetically modified organisms, has altered the food from the way God made them for us to eat.
So, staying away from these foods is a good idea.
But, we may not always be able to do this.
So, what should we do?
Well, God did tell us to rotate our food, which means, do not eat the same food items every day, but have something different every day.

Organic foods, which is foods that have not had things put on them like herbicides & pesticides, is another health issue.
The Spirit of Prophecy does say that we need to spray our trees because we are in a fallen world & the pestilence will eat our food if we do not spray our trees.
Also, there are 25 approved pesticides & herbicides that can be used on food & still certify that they are Organic.
One of which has been known to cause Parkinson’s disease.
There is also the issue of the expense in buying Organic food.
Again, God did not tell us much about the problem in the end with non-Organic food.
This gives the body a chance to get rid of the GMO food.
So, if we will rotate our food & not keep putting the same GMO food in our bodies everyday & discard all of the other items God has told us to discard, we are so fearfully & wonderfully made that our bodies can dispose of many of the GMO toxins.
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(Where to Buy)
“Food for Life” has vegan non-GMO & Organic sprouted whole grain muffins & breads that meet the Spirit of Prophecy standard, found in the frozen section of many stores.
They are Genesis 1:29, 7 Sprouted Grain & Ezekiel 4:9 (except the cinnamon ones, since that is a spice we were cautioned not to use)
Their corn, rice & whole wheat tortillas also meet the Spirit of Prophecy standard.
(The Bottom Line - Rotate Your Food)
Rotating your food throughout the week will help reduce the GMO & non-Organic health problems.
That is another reason we are giving you recipes with a variety of foods & a list of different flours & nuts to use in the recipes, not just because it tastes good to eat different things every day, but that it is good for you, too.
Also, we have placed the recipes in the Main Menu list in such a way that your diet will be rotated if you just pick a recipe & then just go down the list making each one in the order of their sequence, & then start back at the beginning & go in order again.
Even skipping one you do not want to make, should still give you a rotated diet.
The same solution is, if we rotate our food & not give our bodies the same pesticides or herbicides every day, & if we also discard meat, milk products, eggs, etc., which is again, more toxins for our bodies to try to get rid of, our bodies can get rid of much of the pesticides or herbicides.
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