Mashed / Corn Potatoes

Mashed Potatoes
Mashed Potatoes
Corn Potatoes
Corn Potatoes

For Mashed Potatoes

7 c diced potatoes
(russet are traditional)
(but yellow are nice, too)
2 1/2 t salt

3 1/2 c water
in a large pot & boil.
Then reduce heat & simmer with lid slightly ajar for 25 min.
(until potatoes are soft)

Stir occasionally.

Add to the large pot:
1 - 2 t virgin coconut oil or olive oil
& mash with a potato masher or put in a mixer bowl & mix to mash the potatoes.


For Corn Potatoes

Follow the
Mash Potatoes recipe but use
1 T virgin coconut oil or olive oil
when mashing & put in another pot:
2 c fresh or frozen corn
1 t salt
2 c water
& bring to a boil.
Reduce heat to med.
& cook for 20 - 25 min.

Drain corn & add to the Mash Potatoes.
Stir together.

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Use in the recipe below
or put in a bowl & serve
or cool down & refrigerate in an airtight container for up to 3 days.

Goes in this recipe:

Thyme Shepherd’s Pie

Thyme Shepherd’s PieThyme Shepherd’s Pie