

Make: Ranch Dressing
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(with cashews)

Ranch DressingRanch Dressing

After cooking pasta, can add:
1 t virgin olive oil
(to keep the pasta from
sticking together)
Drain & put back in the large pot.

Pour the Ranch Dressing over the pasta in the large pot & stir.

Can cook & stir for 5 min. to warm up & make sauce thicker.

or cool down & refrigerate in an airtight container for up to 3 days.


Set aside.

5 c water
1 t salt
in large pot & bring to boil.

After water boils, add to the pot:
2 c whole grain fettuccine pasta
(broken in thirds)
a little at a time, stirring to keep the pasta from sticking together.

Cook according to package
(or boil for 10 - 15 min. until soft).
Stir occasionally.

If pasta happens to stick together while cooking, cook for 10 to 15 min. more until those are soft.