Celtic, Himalayan & Sea Salt

Your body needs salt. We perspire out salt & need it replaced or our electrolyte balance will go out of order & cause us fatigue.
Natural salt contains vitamins & minerals, which is the added benefit of using Celtic, Himalayan & Sea Salt. They give you sodium plus some vitamins & mineral to help keep your body functioning properly.
Many people also claim that natural salts, with their vitamins & minerals, enhance the flavor of food.
Some studies have shown that there are contaminates in almost every salt including Celtic, Himalayan & Sea Salt. But, if you do not put in your body meat, milk products, eggs, alcohol, nicotine & caffeine, & rotate the food in your diet, your body is so fearfully & wonderfully made that it can eliminate many of these toxins & contaminates.
While we do our part to stay healthy, we can also pray & put our trust in God to help keep us healthy.