Collards / Kale / Spinach / Beets

Collards / Kale / Spinach / Beets
Collards / Kale / Spinach / Beets


2 c water
in a large pot & bring to boil.

8 c chopped fresh (pressed down) or frozen
kale, collards, spinach or beets
2 T tarragon

or 1 t thyme
1 1/2 T basil
1 1/2 t salt
1 T lemon juice

in the large pot & cook on med. uncovered for
1 - 1 1/2 hrs. for kale & collards
30 - 40 min. for beets
15 - 25 min. for spinach
until soft.

Stir occasionally,
adding water if vegetables get too dry.

After the kale, collards or spinach (not beets) are cooked, can add another:
1 T lemon juice
(to help the body absorb calcium)
to the pot & stir.

Can add:
1 T virgin coconut oil or olive oil
to the pot & stir.


or cool down & refrigerate in an airtight container for up to 3 days
or freeze.

Preheat oven to 350º
8 c chopped fresh (pressed down) or frozen
kale, collards, spinach or beets, thawed
2 T tarragon

or 1 t thyme
1 1/2 T basil

1 1/2 t salt
1 T lemon juice
1 1/2 c water

in a casserole dish & stir well.

Bake covered at 350º for
1 - 1 1/2 hrs. for kale & collards
45 - 50 min. for beets
30 - 40 min. for spinach
until soft.
If the vegetables need more water, always add boiling water when cooking in an oven, so the dish does not crack.

After the kale, collards or spinach (not beets) are cooked, can add another:
1 T lemon juice
(to help the body absorb calcium)
to the casserole dish & stir.

Can add:
1 T virgin coconut oil or olive oil
to the pot & stir.

or cool down & refrigerate in an airtight container for up to 3 days
or freeze.



